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Hopi Religion and Gender Roles

The Hopi Indians have a very complex religious system that centers around several key spirts. The first is Earth Mother, the second is Sky Father, the Sun, and Moon. The Hopi believe that there are four stages of life and that they are living in the most difficult fourth stage. They believe that they are the earths caretakers and must perform succesful rituals (dances) to keep the world in balance and the gods happy so that they make it rain. A key componet of Hopi life was there art, they made amazing woven rugs and pottery. Each piece of pottery tells a story and is thoughtfully handcrafted. The Hopi wore little clothing so they decorated their bodies with feathers and body paint. The women in Hopi tribes we instructed to take care of the house and the children while the men hunted and gathered food. Women also farmed while the men were hunting however as hunting lessened in importance to the Hopi men also began to farm


The Hopi Indians reside in Arizona


*click on zoom out button to see Arizona

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